Membership Be a member of the Sevaka Anyonyadhara Sangamaya.
  • You should be a permanent employee of the University of Colombo to obtain the membership of the Sevaka Annonyadhara Sangamaya.
  • Age should be less than 45 years. If the applicant is elder than 45 years he/ she should be completed two years of probation period to receive benefits/ donations as a member.
  • A new member should pay registration fee of Rs. 100.00 and monthly membership fee of Rs. 100.00. Total fee of Rs. 200.00 shall be deducted from the salary in the first month of membership and thereafter monthly membership fee of Rs. 100.00 shall be deducted from the monthly salary.
  • Applicant should sign an agreement with the Sevaka Annonyadhara Sangamaya to deduct above mentioned fees from his/ her monthly salary and the agreement shall be sent to the Salaries Branch.
  • If a member did not pay his/ her membership fees for more than two months his/ her membership shall be automatically terminated. To renew his/ her membership he/ she should pay balance in full.